We are now accepting applications for Cohort 2 projects (starting in October 2025). To apply, please see the ‘How to apply‘ page.

Projects available now

Please note that the two projects listed below that are available now have a different application process to the projects starting in October 2025. You will need to apply directly to the University of Bath for these two projects. More info on this process can be found by clicking the project link below.

Projects starting in Oct 2025

If interested in applying for any of the projects listed below, please refer to the ‘How to Apply‘ page.

Projects available for UK and international students:

Green hydrogen and sustainable fuels/chemicals

Lead supervisor: Dr Marc Little, Dr Filipe Vilela
Project partner: BASF

This PhD studentship seeks to build on successful proof-of-concept studies on polymer biodegradation conducted in collaboration with BASF and Heriot-Watt University. The initial study utilised advanced flow chemistry techniques to accelerate the biodegradation of polymers, employing size exclusion chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to monitor degradation in real time. The PhD research will expand on these findings by investigating the biodegradation of additional polymer systems under varied conditions using a digital flow technology platform that will be developed over the project. The student will use this platform to refine the understanding of degradation pathways and by-product formation, further exploring the carbon-related impact of polymer breakdown. The PhD student will gain expertise in flow chemistry, real-time reaction monitoring, and advanced data analysis, collaborating closely with BASF to translate academic findings into practical applications. This research will advance sustainable chemical manufacturing practices, reinforce the HWU-BASF partnership, and position the student at the forefront of eco-friendly polymer research.

Please note that Heriot-Watt can only accept home students for the following projects (please see ‘How to apply‘ for the definition of a home student).

Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage

Lead supervisor: Dr. Mijndert van der Spek
Project partner: Surface Measurement Systems

This is an experimental studentship in CO2 capture adsorption science in collaboration with instrument developer Surface Measurement Systems. Adsorbent-based carbon capture is an important means to reduce CO2 emissions from hard-to-abate industrial sectors and/or remove CO2 from the air. This type of technology needs to operate in real flue gases or air, where streams are made up of multiple components, critically nitrogen and water. Heriot Watt and Surface Measurement Systems have developed pioneering CO2-water co-adsorption measurement techniques, appropriate for certain adsorbent materials, while not for all. This studentship focuses on improving the existing analytical methods to achieve high-fidelity CO2-nitrogen-water co-adsorption measurements for a wide range of CO2 capture materials, critical to inform the rational design and optimisation of high-performing CO2 capture processes.
Lead supervisor: Prof. Mercedes Maroto-Valer
Project partner: TUV-SUD

Accurate knowledge of CO2 streams density is vital across the CCUS chain, impacting engineering design, pipeline safety, reservoir management, and financial settlements. Unlike natural gas, which has a constant composition, CO2 streams are project specific and contain over 20 impurities across gas, liquid, and supercritical phases, complicating the development of an accurate and generalisable density Equation of State model (EoS). This is especially challenging near the critical point and the Widom line, where there are large gradients in fluid properties.
Current research suggests directly measuring the density of CO2-rich mixtures due to the limitations of existing EoS models. This project aims to develop two advanced methodologies for accurate and cost-effective CO2 density measurement. One approach combines stream speed of sound, pressure, temperature, and permittivity measurements, while the second integrates pressure, temperature, and speed of sound measurements with isentropic exponent predications from advanced EoS models. Both approaches are designed to be accurate, cost-effective, and easily deployable, as they utilize inputs — such as speed of sound, temperature, and pressure—already available from the existing commercial ultrasonic flow meters typically deployed across the transportation chain.
If successful, this methodology could be implemented in industrial settings with minimal hardware modifications, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of CCUS technology deployment. Moreover, it has the potential to be applied to any other fluid including biogas, hydrogen, and ammonia.
Lead supervisor: Prof Susana Garcia
Project partner: Not yet determined

This project will explore deep removal of CO2 from industrial sources (i.e., CO2 capture rates higher than 95%) and will focus on the development and assessment of novel electrochemical-regeneration methods that can be coupled to amine-based carbon capture technologies.

Green hydrogen and sustainable fuels/chemicals

Lead supervisor: Dr Omid Shahrokhi, Prof. John Andresen
Project partner: Not yet determined

The transition to a low-carbon energy system requires innovative solutions to repurpose existing infrastructure. This project explores how legacy oil and gas wells can be transformed into safe and efficient sites for underground hydrogen storage (UHS), a crucial component of renewable energy integration and decarbonization efforts. The focus is on assessing the integrity and suitability of legacy wells, addressing key challenges such as material compatibility with hydrogen, leakage risks, and pressure containment. The project will evaluate retrofitting techniques, advanced monitoring systems, and develop practical frameworks to ensure safe operations. Through analysis of existing field data, laboratory experiments, and computational modelling, this research aims to deliver actionable insights into the technical and regulatory requirements for repurposing legacy wells. By leveraging existing oil and gas assets, this work offers a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable alternative to developing new storage infrastructure.
This project contributes to the energy transition by facilitating large-scale hydrogen adoption, supporting industrial decarbonization, and enabling renewable energy storage. It also aligns with net-zero objectives, reduces environmental impact, and ensures legacy infrastructure plays a critical role in building a clean energy future. Join this pioneering effort to bridge traditional energy practices and sustainable innovation, ensuring a resilient and decarbonized energy system.

Systems integration

Lead supervisor: Prof John Andresen & Dr Manuel Ojeda
Project partner: Not yet determined

The amount of industrial waste has been increasing worldwide along with the global population, being considered as a main concern due to the impact not only to the environment but also to the human health and economy. This project will be focused on transform this industrial waste into added value products and green energy carriers by the utilisation of an energy efficient Magnetic Induction Catalytic system recently developed by our group. The project will aim to develop and test new magnetic catalysts based on earth-abundant and inexpensive transition metals such as Nickel, Cobalt and Iron as active supported nanoparticles. The textural and structural properties of the synthesised magnetic catalysis will be then studied and analysed by using different techniques such as X-ray, BET sorption analysis and FT-IR spectroscopy, among others. Then, they will be tested in different reactions at different conditions in order to obtain specific added value products and energy carriers such as Hydrogen or Biofuels, which will help to transit to a circular economy.

CO2 removals

Lead supervisor: Prof Phil Renforth
Project partner: Not yet determined

Concrete is a fundamental building material essential to economic development and a substantial contributor to greenhouse gas emissions during its production. Concrete reacts with atmospheric CO2 in all parts of its life cycle (during use, following demolition, and subsequent use). Accounting for passive CO2 uptake during the service life, and maximising uptake following demolition, together with deep emissions reduction in the production of cement could result in a net negative CO2 emission during its life cycle. This PhD project will explore this vital in-service life carbonation of concrete and its possible use for creating a net-negative carbon footprint.

Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage

Green hydrogen and sustainable fuels/chemicals

CO2 removals

Integrated theme (social, economic, environmental policy)

Lead supervisor/s: Prof Lenny Koh, and Prof M. Pourkashanian
Project partner: EIC industrial partners

The green industrial futures depend on a sustainable and resilient resource supply chain to achieve the net zero goal. This project aims to develop a new approach to future proof energy and materials feedstock resilience for sustainable aviation fuels supply chain. The dual effects of sustainability and security of energy and critical materials supply will underpin the model development. It will involve a paradigm shift which combines geo-spatial-temporal modelling, prospective life cycle analysis, techno-economic assessment and AI methodologies. It will map and analyse the sustainable aviation fuels supply chain beyond organisation and embeds embodied/hidden layer of direct/indirect dependence and closed-loop/circular relation in the value networks at multi-tier. Primary data will be derived from TERC, SAF-IC, IDRIC and industry partners. Co-developed with partners, future scenario for SAFSC will be examined across 2030, 2040 and 2050 via various technological pathways and fed into industry and policy decision making.
Lead supervisor/s: Prof Lenny Koh, and Prof M. Pourkashanian
Project partner: EIC industrial partners

Both carbon removal technologies (a.k.a. negative emission technologies) and hydrogen (especially green) will play a key role towards achieving the net zero commitment. A mixed level of maturity of these technologies, supply chain dependency on imported resources, energy content, climate and energy policies variation have led to the dual challenges on scale up viability and global standardisation. This project aims to unpack the integrative systemic and symbiotic effect of carbon dioxide removals (CDR) and hydrogen on operational, economic, social, behavioural and environmental performance. Advanced modelling and comparative assessments will identify optimum systems combination leading to a resource efficient outcome. A new model and framework will be developed for the scale up and standardisation of integrative systems of CDR and hydrogen.