Prof Mercedes Maroto-Valer (CDT Director)
Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer (FRSE, FIChemE, FRSC, FRSA, FEI) is Champion and Director of the UK Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC) focused on accelerating the transition to net zero of the UK industrial clusters and establishing the first world net-zero industrial cluster. Mercedes is Deputy Principal (Global Sustainability) and Director of the Research Centre for Carbon Solutions (RCCS) at Heriot-Watt University. Her internationally recognised track record covers energy systems, CCUS, integration of hydrogen technologies and low-carbon fuels. She has over 550 publications, holds leading positions in professional societies and editorial boards and has received numerous international prizes and awards.

Prof John M. Andresen
John Andresen is a Professor in Energy Systems at Heriot-Watt University and Associate Director of Hydrogen and Low-Carbon Energies within the Research Centre for Carbon Solutions. He is the ETP Hydrogen Strategic Champion member of the RSB Power-to-X Working Group and sits on the IEA Hydrogen TCP task force on Underground Hydrogen Storage. He has been active securing funding in the area of decarbonisation, particularly towards utilisation of industrial carbon dioxide back to chemicals and fuels, aviation, carbon footprint calculations and circular economy aspect of hydrogen in biomanufacturing.

Prof Mijndert Van der Spek
Prof Mijndert van der Spek has delivered strong contributions to the CCUS, hydrogen, and direct air capture fields that span across disciplines, from experimental research via modelling and technology assessment to whole systems optimisation. He holds the position of Associate Director technology and systems assessment at the HWU-based Research Centre for Carbon Solutions. Mijndert is the Heriot Watt principal investigator for the EU2020 project ConsenCUS; for the IDRIC project: Development of an open-source toolkit to design and evaluate the performance of low carbon infrastructure for industrial clusters and for an industrial collaboration with direct air capture company Climeworks.

Prof Paul Fennell
Paul Fennell is Professor of Clean Energy at Imperial College London and a previous Deputy Director of the UKCCSRC. He has 25 years experience in process design for industrial decarbonisation, cement production and advanced carbon capture. He has been awarded extensive funding, including the EPSRC “Opening New Fuels” Project.

Prof Yannis Hardalupas
Yannis Hardalupas is a Professor of Multiphase Flows at ICL with extensive experience in combustion dynamics of zero carbon fuels and decarbonising chemical processes. As PI, he leads the HERMES Highly Efficient Super Critical ZERO eMission Energy System.

Prof Sam Krevor
Sam Krevor is the PI for the DESNZ funded StrataTrapper, through the CCUS Innovation 2.0 programme, which focuses on translating academic research in reservoir simulation of carbon dioxide storage into commercial use. He is also a Co-I and PI on several major academic-industry partnerships. He is currently a RAEng Senior Research Fellow on enabling gigatonne scale carbon dioxide storage.

Prof Marcelle McManus
Marcelle McManus is Professor of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Director of the Sustainable Energy Systems Research Centre at the University of Bath and IDRIC Research Co-Director. Her expertise lies in whole systems and life cycle optimisation of low-carbon technologies and energy systems. She has received the IMechE George Stephenson Prize for her work on wind turbines, and the FDM Everywoman Academic Prize.

Prof Lorraine Whitmarsh
Lorraine is a Professor in Environmental Psychology at the University of Bath, Director of the ESRC Centre for Climate Change & Social Transformations (CAST), Co-I on the ESRC’s ACCESS network and previously Co-I on various UKRI projects on public engagement in energy. She has several government advisory roles, e.g. member of the Climate Crisis Advisory Group, Climate Change Committee policy advisory group and IPCC AR6 lead author.

Prof Linda Newnes
Linda is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Her research focus is whole life value analysis (monetary, environmental and societal costs) from concept design through to the in-service/in-use phases. Integral to this, is her work in manufacturing where she specialises in Transdisciplinary Engineering – this involves integrating the knowledge and methods of natural and social scientists, and academics and non-academic stakeholders. She currently leads on a number of large cross university research grants including the Made Smarter Innovation: Centre for People-Led Digitalisation and the TRansdisciplinary ENgineering Design (TREND) research group.

Prof Mohamed Pourkashanian
Prof Pourkashanian is Head of the Energy Institute at the University of Sheffield and the Managing Director of TERC and the Sustainable Aviation Fuels Innovation Centre. He is PI or Co-I on 15 on-going EPSRC, DESNZ or EU-funded projects including as Co-I on the UKRI-EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy Systems.

Prof Lin Ma
Lin is Professor of Fluid Dynamics at the University of Sheffield. His research focuses on computational fluid dynamics modelling of various energy processes and industrial fluid flow, currently clean coal/biomass/gas combustion and carbon capture from power generation. Notable projects include the industry-led HYDESS project (Hydrogen for the Decarbonisation of Sheffield Steel).

Dr Karen Finney
Dr Karen Finney is a senior research fellow for the Translational Energy Research Centre and Energy2050, and works within the University of Sheffield Energy Institute. She has expertise in the thermal treatments (combustion, gasification and pyrolysis) of biomass and waste; carbon capture; pollutant monitoring; gas turbines; and combined heat and power. At the Translational Energy Research Centre, she is the theme manager for low-carbon, sustainable energy and smart energy management. She is a Member of the Energy Institute, an invited committee member of the IChemE Clean Energy Special Interest Group and a co-opted specialist on the IFRF Council.